

May 23

Advice For Attorneys On Working With The Media

Show Up: Always arrive to your interview on time and early if possible. Once you establish a reputation with National Producers that you are consistently reliable, they will be more inclined to use you on their shows in the future. If you fail to show for an interview or show up late, you can kiss your dreams of being a TV legal analyst goodbye and you will likely be not only be blackballed from what ever you show you cancelled on but, other shows on the network. Yes, one no-show can kill your media reputation. The point is: show up.

Extensive Preparation: Know the legal case(s) that you are talking about on the TV or Radio show you are appearing on inside and out as you would a case you would be trying in court.

Get Media Training: How to look good and speak well on camera and radio is a crucial skill to have if you wish to succeed as a legal analyst. A media trained legal analyst knows how to speak in sound bites and speak less while conveying more information. No TV Producers will have someone new on the air if they

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